artist: Alex Vignoli
verse: Leonard Barton, 04.17.10
Alexandre’s Books
(Livros de Alexandre)
Friend Alex knows how Text & fonts read to a tee;
How images look, Feel and sound to the ef.
Is one a book of hours, after all, there are 24 birds?
Count, one must be a book of 365 days.
Is freedom of knowledge Christian text, a journal,
fact, fiction, the filigreed baleen of a humpback whale
from which starlings of the heart,
fly in lexikinetic pleasure?
Is book of freedom a 40s Hollywood movie set?
In a moment Carmen Miranda will emerge,
(arms poised like an animated bodhisattva)
from the spine’s inner vee to dance on each
and every letter of a serif-texted ground.
Alex is a man with an open heart,
um homen com coração aberto,
no angst, no anger.
He urges us to fly to with him
in the present tense, no presente.
Experience his heart as an open book
o coração e um livro aberto
and consider your future.
Alexandre’s Books must be ones of hours;
I, given a day’s notice to write,
have no option left but to offer first feelings
without verse and/or versus re.
Alexandre’s freedom of thoughts,
liberdade de pensamentos.
Face up to the glass and exhale.
The mark of your breath
will leave (albeit fleeting) evidence
that you too have read Alexandre’s Books.
Te Deum
verse: Leonard Barton, 04.17.10
Alexandre’s Books
(Livros de Alexandre)
Friend Alex knows how Text & fonts read to a tee;
How images look, Feel and sound to the ef.
Is one a book of hours, after all, there are 24 birds?
Count, one must be a book of 365 days.
Is freedom of knowledge Christian text, a journal,
fact, fiction, the filigreed baleen of a humpback whale
from which starlings of the heart,
fly in lexikinetic pleasure?
Is book of freedom a 40s Hollywood movie set?
In a moment Carmen Miranda will emerge,
(arms poised like an animated bodhisattva)
from the spine’s inner vee to dance on each
and every letter of a serif-texted ground.
Alex is a man with an open heart,
um homen com coração aberto,
no angst, no anger.
He urges us to fly to with him
in the present tense, no presente.
Experience his heart as an open book
o coração e um livro aberto
and consider your future.
Alexandre’s Books must be ones of hours;
I, given a day’s notice to write,
have no option left but to offer first feelings
without verse and/or versus re.
Alexandre’s freedom of thoughts,
liberdade de pensamentos.
Face up to the glass and exhale.
The mark of your breath
will leave (albeit fleeting) evidence
that you too have read Alexandre’s Books.
Te Deum